Writing Your Letter to Santa - Top Tips From Geoffrey The Elf

1. The early bird catches the worm…
Do you have your heart set on a scooter for Christmas this year? The thing about scooters and indeed all presents is that they have to be made by the elves in Santa’s workshop. Granted the elves’ ability to craft a thousand scooters in under half an hour is legendary, but making toys takes time and here at the North Pole we never seem to have enough time. So my advice – get your thinking caps on nice and early and send us your letters as soon as you can. That way, we still get to have a tea break come mid-December.
2. Set the scene…
Make sure you are comfortable when you sit down to write your letter – get out of that scratchy school uniform and into some pyjamas, if they are Christmas pyjamas so much the better. Ask your parents to make you a delicious hot chocolate (with marshmallows), some gingerbread would be good too. Then pop on some Christmas carols and away you go.
3. Put pen to paper…
Make sure you have your special writing paper from Polar Post, including the envelope with Santa’s secret address on it.
4. Remember your Ps & Qs…
Santa is a big stickler for politeness – a simple, “thank you for my presents last year” will go a long way (think potentially more presents this year).
5. And on the subject of presents…
Do have your list ready. Hopefully this is the easy bit.
6. Get creative…
There’s nothing Santa loves more than to see your drawings, each is a little work of art as far as he’s concerned. So find your colouring crayons, get out the glitter and draw us a picture of Rudolph (he absolutely loves seeing drawings of himself).
7. And send…
Remember to sign your letter otherwise Father Christmas won’t know who it is from. Then pop it in your envelope and fix this year’s First Class stamp to the front of the envelope. When you go to bed leave your letter by your fireplace. Don’t panic if you don’t have a fireplace. A bedside table or windowsill will do nicely. No need to worry about your letter getting lost as the envelope is engraved with Father Christmas’s secret address (remember to keep this strictly hush hush).
8. Believe…
Sounds simple doesn’t it, but this is the magic ingredient in every letter.
In the morning, your letter will have vanished and will be winging its way to me and the elves here at the Polar Post Office. I will then personally deliver it into the hands of Father Christmas himself.
Happy Writing!